Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mr Sun, Mr Golden Sun....

Sounds like the beginning of a Barney Song.  I know, sure sign that I am domesticated, and have had children under my roof for well over ten years now.  Never really liked Barney(The big Purple Dyno)but sure loved how he magically transformed my overly energetic toddler (who is now a teen) into a trance, almost like I shot her with a blow dart with paralyzing poison. 

I am once again in a pondering mood. I do believe I have an Attention Deficit Disorder, not yet Diagnosed, I can only focus on one thing for so long before I lift my head up to look around, stare out the office window and day dream. 

Well I am happy to say, the sun has finally started to peer through the clouds, only sporadically but I'll take it.

This post is inspired by a few patients I have seen lately. Who all conclude that the winter has been excessively long, and even though the calender indicates it is spring there is an enormous amount of snow remaining.

Basically I seen the sun, and it inspired me to write. I also got a very nice email from a fellow who recently purchased a "Photo Therapy Lamp" who has diabetes and a great sense of humor.

I posted on my other Blog,  Diabetes Mind Game about suffering from the winter blues in my post titled, What's up with SAD?!

It's has been a tough winter, and I am just glad the season is about to shift. Spring is a great time of year. It is the time to do your "Spring Cleaning" a time to set goals! I have never been a new years resolution kinda guy, but spring is a time of change.

As usual what does this have to do with Diabetes?  I think lots!  People start to get more active, out door activity increases, more activity means re-calibrating our insulin according to different routines.

It is a time to reflect and set new goals, a time of change.

Based on our  last A1C results, we need Spring(in our step), we need change, and we need to get off our hineys and get outside!

Here's to Spring, the Sun, and better A1C's!



Gerry @Foodness Gracious said...

Booya!! I love the sun, today it's going to be in the 80's here, sorry dont mean to rub it in. Your right , It does quicken your step and freshens the mind...

Sarah said...

there have been many a for f#$%s sakes muttered around here for a bit of Spring to start...we're facing endless showers and no sun in site. Come on sun we're waiting for you here in WA!

Unknown said...

It is snowing here right now. Getting a Nor' Easter in VT today.