Monday, June 13, 2011

Play Time Anyone?

"Play Time"
It seems that people are still checking in on Three 2 Treat even though I haven't been devoting any time to writing. I am really honoured that folks all over the world, like Russia, Greece, and wow the UK, huge shout out!!!  

I have been attempting to simplify my life a little bit, well, mentally, stripping away the numerous distractions, activities, hobbies, etc, in order to reflect on things.

Diabetes was one of those things I needed to, well, cut back on, if you follow me. It consumes my home life, work life, my online life, my kids, etc.  Its a huge consumer of my mental energy that inevitably distracts me from enjoying the finer things in life like play time.

I have been spending time focusing on Playing, Yup, Playing.   Getting excited to come home from work and go to the play ground to play on the climber, swing on the monkey bars, chase the soccer ball, kids and dogs around the field. Walk in the grass barefoot, lie on the grass and examine the clouds. Just be in the moment, enjoying the smells, feeling the breeze and the sun radiating down it's life giving energy.  Playing is Great!

It seems that as we grow older some of us forget to play. I know I did. Sure....we take vacations, go to dinner, drink too much on occasion, but I'm referring to non-goal oriented, unstructured unrestricted totally let loose play!  Man it really is invigorating and fun!

I was getting so caught up in work, diabetes, writing, commitments, life, tasks, lists, that I forgot to PLAY.

So I am asking you all to give it a try, no goals, no objectives, in the moment, Play, just like kids.


Excessive playtime may result in serious happiness, improved relations with loved ones and pets, better blood glucose control, weight loss, better cardio, toned muscles, happy children, cool parent syndrome, serious stress reduction.  It is recommended to gradually increase play time to avoid the above sudden side effects.


Sarah said...

my favorite past time, really my kids have been much better teachers for me about how to just live than anybody else ever :)

Lora said...

PLAYTIME!!! Glad your having fun. Thanks for dropping in and letting us know what youv'e been up to :)

Meri said...

Genius! Some of our best memories come from walking as a family to the park down the street and playing ball together.

Anonymous said...

Love it! Totally need to play more, for sure. Keep enjoying!!

Ann Onimous said...

Play is the most important thing. Even at work, we're encouraged to play and have fun. If you don't, you lose what sanity you have.

Take care of yourself!

Unknown said...

Me too!!! Stripping down on the non-essentials AND playing more. You should see Joe and I roller-blade around Essex Junction! We are a sight I am sure.

ENJOY! AND good to hear from you Trev.

Fiona said...

:D Good to see you havin fun! One of the best part of being a parent is not having to grow up! Enjoy playing with your family, while they still want to!

Amy said...

Thanks for the update, my friend. OF COURSE we still talk, er I mean check up on you ;). Glad to hear all of fun and games. WooHoo!!!

Lynne-Anne said...

I'm so happy to see you have come back! School is ending here tomorrow, and I will be playing with my kids nonstop for the next 2 months!:) Hope to hear from you again soon. Play on!!