Monday, May 16, 2011

On the D-O-C....

I started blogging serendipitously after discovering and reading another blog on the DOC.

I started networking to relate to others, and not feel so alone on the DOC.

To my delight, I have been enriched with a wealth of information that I never knew existed on the DOC.

I found a Network full of people who've experienced first hand what it's like to live with diabetes on the DOC.

The bonus is this:  All this information, experience, wisdom, ideas, are shared on the DOC.

I HAD KNOW IDEA such things existed prior to discovering things on the DOC. 

I learn so much from others. Like how to bake a muffin with only 1.5 grams of CHO, luv em! on the DOC.

Crustless Quiche!!!  4.5 grams of Carb.  Crazy!  and My favorite, home made bread!  5 gams per slice. Also on the DOC

Okay, obviously I luv food.  But this is nominal compared to the spiritual and emotional camaraderie that exists on the DOC.

As I mentioned in a recent post, I read blogs to nourish my diabetic soul on the DOC! 

I laugh when I read Reyna(Beta Buddies), and her candid, comical, often hysterical take on her life as a pancreatic momma caring for her adorable, tough, brave little man named Joe. She totally rocks!!! and can be guessed it....on the DOC.

I Love the experiences and beautiful Pics from a Mom(Sarah)(Ethan and Isaac Show), who looks after her boys, and deals with Two Type1's in da house, her one lil man, and her grown man.  You are amazing, and have had my back numerous times showing me the online ropes. I am forever grateful!

My first ever blog was Kerri from Six Until Me, super blogger, and very vivid story teller, I can still picture her all googly eyed staring at the Eye doctor. 

Athlete and Runner extraordinaire, Celine, I work out more frequently because of your blog, and how you balance D and extreme training.

The boys, Michael Hoskins, and George.  Nice to have the boys represented.

(Links available on my Blog Roll)

I actually feel like I am getting to know you all. Which I would have considered a little creepy six months ago, but what a connection diabetes is for us!  How important it is to relate, feel supported, and validated in our struggles managing the Big D. 

There are many more, Meri, Kelly, Kim, Jackie, Haley, just check my blog roll as I read em all and look forward to each and every post. Man, I don't even read the paper or books as often as it cuts into my blog nourishment time.

And YES all the above folks, are exclusively found on the D-O-C (Diabetes Online Community!)




Celine said...

Thanks for the shout out Trev! Perhaps it's because D-Blog week just ended but I got a little teary from your kind words. So many d-bloggers inspire others. It's nice to hear that I've had an impact too.

Anonymous said...

I, too, would rather spend my time reading DOC blogs than anything else!
Such amazing people, for sure!!

Unknown said...

First off, wow...and thank you for mentioning Joe and I. Secondly, I like that we are "exclusively" found in the DOC. :)

Trev you are one in a million. And like Celine said, it feels good to know that I make a a weird, onion-goggly, prophane sort-of-strangish way. xoxo

Amy said...

What am I? Chopped liver? Nah, just another fabulous card-carrying member of the kick-arse DOC. Speaking loud and proud to advocate for my daughter who has T1D. Thanks for all your awschum insight, my friend!

Sarah said...

Thanks for the shout out :) I can't say how helpful it has been to have your view for me as a wife of man with d, so thanks a million for making a point of sharing your view and personal stories with all of us!